This past week has been – uh – interesting. I’m not sleeping particularly well and am nearing the point where I’ll need to withdraw completely from all sources of media.
I decided to take some Tiny Steps in a Tiny Revolution, pretty much to keep my sanity. (The Tiny House thing never really worked for me, but a Tiny Revolution? That’s a cause I can get behind.)
Here are the Tiny Steps in my Tiny Revolution thus far:
1) I greeted strangers at Target with eye contact, a smile, and a “Good Morning.” It went well. A few folks didn’t hear me or pretended not to hear me but the vast majority smiled and greeted me right back!
2) Tiny Step One was exhausting and I recovered by doing Tiny Step Two: eating more locally-sourced cookies. The particular cookies that revived me after Step One were conjured at the Positively Third Street Bakery of Duluth, MN.
3) I refreshed my memory on the Electoral College Situation and vowed to ask Someone Smart how it could be overhauled.
4) I read a nice predictable romance novel that used all the reassuring romance novel words, tidbits like “frisson” and “moue.” The presence of semi-realistic sex was a refreshing surprise.
5) I didn’t ask anyone to unfriend me on FaceBook. If you voted for Trump, I would welcome an opportunity to engage in civil discourse around your personal beliefs, preferably accompanied by something hard-core – chocolate flourless cake with fudge sauce would be a good start since I’m not really one for the drink.
6) I wrote a riff on Margaret Wise Brown’s Goodnight Moon. You can catch it here if you missed it on Wednesday.
7) I distributed many hugs and will continue to be free with my love.
8) Ace moved out of our marital bed into the guest room recently when I caught a cold. During his absence, I replaced him with a pile of nice fluffy clean unfolded laundry. Yesterday, I folded all the laundry, put it away, and ordered Ace back into our bed. He whined a bit about my snoring but I know that he knows that we know that it’s best to keep those you love close at hand in uncertain times.
9) We used to do “Rose & Thorn” at night, naming one good thing and one less good thing. Now we do “Three Roses.” We end each day with three positives apiece = nine positives overall. A veritable rose bouquet.
10) I reconnected with a family that I met eight years ago. They arrived in the United States as refugees and are now US citizens, working Americans, homeowners, residents of a thriving racially and culturally diverse suburban neighborhood, and parents/grandparents of a new generation. This is America at its best.
What Tiny Steps are you taking in your Tiny Revolution?
Keep up the fight!